Sou. Rajanitai Vishwanath Magdum President, Council of Education
Today life is complex and full of crisis. Times ahead are testing our patience
and perseverance. The world today is coming closer and closer and yet this proximity
is increasing our loneliness. It is becoming more and more difficult to cope with
the ever changing scientific, technological and commercial world. We have lost wisdom
in knowledge, knowledge in information and information in facts. In such a state
of affairs only the right sort of education that would inculcate proper values would
be able to show us the right path and not so called greatness, honesty not hypocrisy,
beauty not only brightness. Let our lives be clean, noble, devoted and dedicated
to the tasks undertaken by us. We are all free to do, free to choose according to
the bent of our minds but we must always remember that freedom is not safety but
an opportunity, the opportunity to do the right sore of things. As Brand Blanshard
says, “The purpose of education is to make us creators and centres of value… Values
are the starts by which education may and should steer its course.”